Monday, January 10, 2011

Operation Skinny Minnie

First of all I would like to say that the recipe below I got It a little wrong, You actually have to dissolve the jelly in 1 cup of boiling water before blending with the evaporated milk. Sorry guys I realized the hard way tonight! I should of checked out the book before posting it and making it haha since I haven't made it in awhile!
Anyway to the topic of the blog, I have decided this is the year to get healthy,lose the extra baby bulge especially since my babies 2 and generally get myself organized. So today I went out and bought a couple trial packs of celebrity slim and some little healthy snacks. I know I should probably just start with eating healthy and forget the shakes but for some reason the idea of the shakes motivates me. I think it will get me in the habit of having 3 meals a day because it will take the guess work out of what to make. Having a shake for breakfast surely has to be better then having no breakfast which is what I do now. I'm a massive snacker so instead of having 3 healthy meals a day I snack all day, have dinner then snack some more. I only want to lose about 5 kilos and just tone up, I still have my baby fat and well my baby is 2. So it's about time I start taking care of myself! I'm looking forward to more energy and not feeling drained all of the time. I know I have tried the whole "healthy eating" before but this time I mean it, I really want to stick to it.
On the topic of getting more organized, I am taking it a little step at a time firstly I started meal planning thanks to the help of a fellow mummy friend and my next step is organizing my pantry.
Well I'm off now to watch the first episode of Jersey Shore season 3, I love me some trash TV
Night all

Friday, January 7, 2011

Easy Breezy

So I thought I would share with you all one of my favourite recipes from one of the 4 ingredients
cookbooks. It's like a mousse type desert and one of the easiest things ever to make! All you
need is a packet of jelly any flavour (I like strawberry) and a can of evaporated milk.
You blend the jelly crystals and milk together until all foamy and then put into the fridge until set.
It's not healthy but It's super easy,something different and yum! Enjoy!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Getting into the spirit of things...

So I know I said that I was going to get back on the blogging wagon.... Well what can i say I've been busy?
I know excuses excuses but it's true! Christmas is a mere 9 days a way and I'm like a crazy woman trying to get everything ready. Before you say anything no i didn't leave it last minute, I actually started my shopping the beginning of November and as of 2 days ago I thought i had finished it . Well how i was wrong! I've been collecting presents and putting them in my wardrobe the past couple months and well i do have something for everyone... It just isn't enough. 
  I recently exchanged presents with a friend and lets just say she went completely overboard on us and well i didn't do to bad but she definitely put more thought,effort and money into ours. I felt horrible i know it's the thought that counts but i never want to be in that situation again. So this weekend I am braving the shops on the last Saturday before Christmas and I am going to get some more presents! I still have to find more for Beau and Mr 2 because he snuck into the wardrobe the other day and opened some presents early. I know tisk tisk to mummy for not just re wrapping them and putting them back but he was so excited i couldn't help it.
  Anyway I will be back soon.... I promise!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Am I Crazy?

   I am a massive blog reader, there is just something about reading other peoples stories and problems that act as a kind of therapy i guess you could call it for me. I love when i am reading through a blog and I connect with the person writing it and i get the feeling of "they get me" or "they are going through the same thing". Even if you aren't talking to the person it's just the sense of relief knowing i am not the only person in the world going through these problems. I have really just given up on my blog recently,well i guess not so recently quite awhile ago actually but that is another story. Anyway to the point i am trying to make, have you ever felt connected to a person, to there life and just thought "i would really love to be there friend"? 
  Well that's what happened to me! There is another mum blog i have been skimming through and reading for a couple months now. I find myself waiting for her to write something! She seems like a completely genuine lovely person. She is the type of person i would want as a friend, I admire her. 
I wish i was more like her actually. I don't even know this woman, she has no idea i even exist yet i feel like i know her, in a way i guess i do. 
  This has motivated me to keep going with my blog. Even though i am not the best writer and i may not use the proper grammar at times i can be honest. I can tell my story! The whole kit and caboodle not sugar coating it even if people don't like what they are going to read, maybe it will help make someone feel like they aren't alone that there is someone in the world that has the same problems they do. I know its abit early for a New Years Resolution, but who keeps them anyway. This is going to be part of my new start, I think this will be my new release to get my feelings out there off of my chest so they aren't weighing me down anymore.
  I couldn't even count the number of times a fellow mamma's blog has cheered me up, so here's hoping i can do that for someone else. So i will be back soon with something to say......interesting i hope! In the meantime i hope everyone is having a lovely sleep, that's exactly where I'm going. Sweet Dreams!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Kaidens Speech

  So Kaiden has recently turned the big 2 on the 8th of August so i just wanted to go through everything he can say now and how he says it so i can have those memories!
  • Hi 
  • Bye
  • Mummy
  • Daddy
  • Baby (which is what he calls himself because he cant say Kaiden)
  • Please
  • There it is (when he sees something familiar or hes found something)
  • Chuppies (Chippies)
  • Car
  • Bike
  • Tools (mainly talking about handy mannys tools)
  • You K? (as in are you ok)
  • Kiss (he will come up and say "kiss" and pucker up hehe)
  • Nigh night (Night Night)
  • Yummy
  • Yucky
  • Stinky (he will say this when hes done a number 2)
At the moment i really cant think of the rest these are his main words and phrases. Ill be doing an update soon on how hes going otherwise he really always comes out with something new and surprises me everyday.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

10 random facts

1. I love having hot bubble baths on a cold winters night, but im not one to sit and soak for an hour or two i would only be in 10 minutes at the most otherwise i get to hot and dizzy.
2. I love frozen peas! I dont know what it is but i find myself going to the freezer on the odd occasion and grabbing some out to eat. Weirdo much?
3. I try to avoid the news as often as i can, i know its good to know whats going on in the world but most of the time it just depresses me.
4. I'm a big fan of old sitcom type shows like Bewitched,Happy Days,I Love Lucy and all of those type of shows from Nick at night they remind me of when i was younger and i would be up all hours of the night drinking flavoured tea cuddled up watching them.
5. I don't eat vegemite, I'm American im more of a peanut butter person.
6. I broke my arm when i was 10. I was watching Rikki Lake and she was doing a makeover show so i decided to give myself my own little makeover and practise my model walk on my little table.....i fell off....I broke it so bad i had to have my arm cast so it was bent for a month.... Suffice it to say i didnt walk on that table again.
7. I cant go cross eyed
8. Grease and Dirty Dancing are 2 of my all time Favourite movies, RIP Patrick Swayze :(
9. Im not much of a reader anymore but when i was younger i did read some trashy mills and boon yes i can admit it.
10. At the moment im addicted to Iced coffee ...need i say more?

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

4 ingredients

 I'm just curious if anyone else uses the 4 ingredients cook books? I personally have all 3 and i love them, i think its a great idea for anybody who is busy and doesn't have alot of time to spend on meals or if your on a tight budget. All of the recipes have 4 or less ingredients and at the back of the book they have some helpful household tips that i have found very handy. One recipe i LOVE is sweet and sour strawberries,you take your straberries dip them in sour cream then dip them in brown sugar. It may not sound the nicest but its worth a try i think its yummy. There are a couple other recipes i would love to post up to but i will have to grab my books down from the top of the fridge so ill post them later. They also do a gluten free book for all of those people with food allergies and such i personally love all 3 books they all have quick easy recipes that are tasty.
 The books were written by 2 mums who were having trouble coming up with dinner ideas the only measurments you will need for these recipes are 1 cup,1 tablespoon and 1 teaspoon. A pretty simple but great idea, has anyone else used any of the 4 ingredients books? I would love to hear any opinions if you have, i will post some of the recipes be continued